Reliability Workbench released

July 2024 - Isograph are pleased to announce the release of Reliability Workbench

1. Excel spreadsheet import has been speeded up dramatically for workbooks with large shared string tables.
2. Two new functions have been added to the SSA Special functions menu: Generate situations and generate failures. The generate situations dialog allows users to select combinations of situations to be created underneath a situation type. The generate failures dialog then allows users to quickly create groups of failures under a function using guidewords and situation combinations.
3. Guidewords and guideword types have been added to the SSA module.
4. Check is now done for out of specification stress values for Siemens Relays and switches.
5. IEC61709 Table 26 and Siemens-12 PI_L calculation modified.
6. Situation types have been added to the SSA module.
7. PI_S has been added for relays to accommodate inclusion of this pi factor in 61709.
8. Prediction users may now set a 62380 26262 prediction preference in project options. When this option is set IC calculations will weight the number of elements for each IC according to the total number of elements under the parent block.
9. Help files provide better explanation of disjoint event groups work in conjunction with NOT logic.
10. The number of FMECA Action priority values are now counted for each category (High, Medium, Low). AP counts are produced at system and block level. Note that block quantities are not applied for AP counts as the method is designed to indicate the number of lower level failure modes that need to be addressed. System AP counts may be viewed in the FMECA results dialog. Block counts may be viewed in the grid control.
11. FMECA MSR monitoring rankings are now a separate field to process design detection rankings. The appropriate ranking is now displayed when switching to and from MSR preference in project options.
12. Users may now set a custom action priority matrix in the FMECA module by setting the ‘Use custom action priority matrix’ project option. The custom matrix may then be set from the Analysis, Action Priority Matrix menu. The matrix will be set for MSR calculations if the MSR preference is selected.
13. When the MSR preference option is selected occurrence labels are now replaced with frequency.
14. FMECA MSR frequency(occurrence) rankings are now a separate field to process design occurrence rankings. The appropriate ranking is now displayed when switching to and from MSR preference in project options.

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