Why your organzation should consider Isograph’s Attack Tree & Threat Analysis software

Have you tried Isograph's Attack Tree & Threat Analysis software? Here are some reasons why you might want to consider testing it out for your organzation.

Attack Tree and Threat Analysis software are powerful tools that can help organizations identify and mitigate potential security risks. By using these tools, organizations can gain a better understanding of the potential threats they face and develop strategies to protect their assets and data.

The benefits of using Attack Tree and Threat Analysis software are numerous. First and foremost, these tools can help organizations identify potential vulnerabilities in their systems and networks. This allows organizations to take proactive steps to secure their systems and prevent attacks before they occur.

Additionally, Attack Tree and Threat Analysis software can help organizations prioritize their security efforts. By identifying the most likely and most severe threats, organizations can focus their resources on the areas that are most in need of attention. Another benefit of using Attack Tree and Threat Analysis software is that it can help organizations comply with regulatory requirements. Many regulations, such as HIPAA and GDPR, require organizations to perform regular risk assessments and take steps to mitigate potential threats. By using these tools, organizations can ensure that they are meeting these requirements and avoiding potential penalties.

Overall, all organizations, regardless of size or industry, can benefit from using Attack Tree and Threat Analysis software. By identifying potential threats and vulnerabilities, prioritizing security efforts, and ensuring regulatory compliance, these tools can help organizations protect their assets and data and maintain their reputation and customer trust.

Get a FREE demo version of the software at www.isograph.com and click on 'Free Trial'.

Customizing Availability Workbench (AWB) Reports

One of the most important aspects of your reliability or safety studies is the creation of professional standard reports that will enable you to present the results in a clear and understandable form to colleagues, management, customers and regulatory bodies.

How can I use the Report Designer?

The Isograph reliability software products share a common facility to produce reports containing text, graphs or diagrams. Your input data and output results from reliability applications are stored in a database. This information can be examined, filtered, sorted and displayed by the Report Designer. The Report Designer allows you to use reports supplied by Isograph to print or print preview the data. A set of report formats appropriate to the product is supplied with each product.

You can also design your own reports, either from an empty report page or by copying one of the supplied reports and using that as the starting point. Reports may be published or exported to PDF and Word formats.

How do I make a Text Report?

Designing a text report is simplicity itself. The steps required are as follows: Select the paper size and margins. Select a subset of the whole project database information to be included in the report by one of two options.

The first option contains a list of pre-defined selection criteria corresponding to one or more tables in the database. Each criteria will result in a list of available fields. The alternative method is based on using SQL commands to query the database. Each field selected will be represented by a column in the report. Specify which fields are required in the report and the ordering of the columns in which the information will appear. At this point, the user may select print preview and a basic report will be displayed. The design process may continue in print preview mode if required. as page numbers, the current date, sums of field values may be displayed in the header and footer areas using the text boxes combined with report macros. Pictures in all the common formats (gif, jpg, bmp etc) may also be displayed in the footer or header.

Graph reports can contain one or more graph pages each of which in turn can contain one or more graphs. The graphs themselves can display one or more plots. Each graph has axes, labels, legends and titles that are configured using simple dialogs. Some of the main features are described below : 3-dimensional graph type have the added facility of setting the viewing angle by moving slider controls that alter the rotation and elevation angles. Easily select and filter the data to be plotted.

Use the standard report types that are supplied with the software or design your own graph reports by either modifying existing reports or creating completely new ones. The size and position of the graph area within a report page can be set either through a dialog or more intuitively by the use of the mouse. A graph contains a rich array of attributes each of which can be easily set through the use of a tabbed dialog. Plot data as 2-D line, bar, pie, area and scatter graphs or 3-D bar, pie, scatter and tape graphs. Plot log/lin, log/log or lin/log graphs. These graphs can be plotted in various vertical or horizontal styles.

Print them out directly to color or monochrome devices or export them in Rich Text Format (RTF). The RTF file can then be imported into other products such as Microsoft Word where it could be combined into a larger document and then printed. If required additional data such as page numbers, the current date, sums of field values may be displayed in the header and footer areas using the text boxes combined with report macros. Pictures in all the common formats (gif, jpg, bmp etc) may also be displayed in the footer or header.

Generating Diagram Reports in Report Designer Many of the Isograph software products use diagrams to represent the system logic. Examples are reliability networks and fault trees. Using the report generator it is possible to include these diagrams in a report. A diagram report may consist of one or more pages, for example, a fault tree diagram may be spread across many pages. Some of the main features are described below: The vertical and horizontal indents in the drawing area may be specified Whether the diagram should maintain its aspect ratio or fit to the drawing area may be specified when used in conjunction with programs such as Reliability Workbench which contain multiple software modules the category of diagram to be displayed may be selected.

As with graph and text reports, diagram reports can be either printed out directly to color or monochrome devices or exported in Rich Text Format (RTF). The RTF file can then be imported into other products such as Microsoft Word where it could be combined into a larger document and then printed.

RCMCost – Intro – Part of Availability Workbench Suite

Reliability Centered Maintenance Software

* Predict asset performance
* Optimize your maintenance strategy
* Reduce operational risks
* Improve profitability
* Increase uptime and lower costs
* Optimize spares holdings
* Simulate predictive maintenance
* Meet safety, environmental and operational targets
* Supports standards such as SAE JA1011, MSG-3 and
* MIL-STD-2173(AS)

AvSim – Getting Started

The availability and reliability simulator capable of analyzing complex and dependent systems. Download Availability Workbench and dive into our powerful AvSim module.

Quickly build models using either Fault Trees or RBDs
Fast and reliable Monte Carlo simulation
Analysis of historical data using Weibull analysis
Simulation of multiple-product capacity with target cost penalties
No limit to the number of hierarchical levels
Model spare part dependencies and optimization of stock levels
Handles switching delays and buffering
Opportunistic maintenance and ‘hold for repair’ modeling
User-defined rules to re-configure systems during different phases
Import/export facilities to databases and spreadsheets
Project lifetime cost comparison

FMEA Preparation Presentation

The process in selecting the FMEA tool and the first steps to take in creating a successful FMEA.

FMEA / FMECA in Reliability Workbench Suite

Download Reliability Workbench from www.isograph.com and dive into our powerful FMECA module.

- Fast system construction
- Hierarchical failure mode and effect structure
- Multiple formats such as FMEA and DFMEA
- Standard and custom reporting
- Supports multiple industry standards such as MIL-STD-1629A, BS 5760 Part 5, GJB 1391-92, AIAG & VDA, SAE J1739, ARP5580
- Highlights high risk items via RPN or criticality analysis
- Directly link to fault trees, RBDs and hazard logs
- Tested and certified by SGS-TÜV as suitable for safety analyses according to ISO26262

By Bill Keeter

Data Link Manager (DLM)

The Data Link Manager (DLM) empowers organisations to integrate their requirements management tools with Isograph's safety and cyber security products. Reliability Workbench and AttackTree are seamlessly linked to Jama Connect® and IBM Rational DOORS® ensuring the consistency and integrity of data.

Support standards such as ISO 26262, ISO/SAE 21434, J3061, DO-356, ED-203 ARP 4761 and IEC 61508 by automating requirements management linkage to safety and security methods such as fault and attack tree analysis, FMEA and hazard assessment.

  • Transfer requirements between products
  • Maintain links and apply consistency checks
  • Verify quantitative goals and requirement coverage

Our software has been in continuous development since the 1980s and is the recognized standard for safety and reliability professionals.

Rational® and DOORS® are registered trademarks of IBM Corp.

Jama Connect® is a registered trademark of Jama Software.

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