Reliability Workbench
1. Excel spreadsheet import has been speeded up dramatically for workbooks with large shared string tables.
2. Two new functions have been added to the SSA Special functions menu: Generate situations and generate failures. The generate situations dialog allows users to select combinations of situations to be created underneath a situation type. The generate failures dialog then allows users to quickly create groups of failures under a function using guidewords and situation combinations.
3. Guidewords and guideword types have been added to the SSA module.
4. Check is now done for out of specification stress values for Siemens Relays and switches.
5. IEC61709 Table 26 and Siemens-12 PI_L calculation modified.
6. Situation types have been added to the SSA module.
7. PI_S has been added for relays to accommodate inclusion of this pi factor in 61709.
8. Prediction users may now set a 62380 26262 prediction preference in project options. When this option is set IC calculations will weight the number of elements for each IC according to the total number of elements under the parent block.
9. Help files provide better explanation of disjoint event groups work in conjunction with NOT logic.
10. The number of FMECA Action priority values are now counted for each category (High, Medium, Low). AP counts are produced at system and block level. Note that block quantities are not applied for AP counts as the method is designed to indicate the number of lower level failure modes that need to be addressed. System AP counts may be viewed in the FMECA results dialog. Block counts may be viewed in the grid control.
11. FMECA MSR monitoring rankings are now a separate field to process design detection rankings. The appropriate ranking is now displayed when switching to and from MSR preference in project options.
12. Users may now set a custom action priority matrix in the FMECA module by setting the ‘Use custom action priority matrix’ project option. The custom matrix may then be set from the Analysis, Action Priority Matrix menu. The matrix will be set for MSR calculations if the MSR preference is selected.
13. When the MSR preference option is selected occurrence labels are now replaced with frequency.
14. FMECA MSR frequency(occurrence) rankings are now a separate field to process design occurrence rankings. The appropriate ranking is now displayed when switching to and from MSR preference in project options.
Reliability Workbench
1. Mouse wheel zoom in and out has been implemented for FMECA diagrams.
2. The FMECA diagram set scale toolbar button was redundant and has been removed.
3. The position and scale of FMECA diagrams is now saved in the project file.
4. The NSWC V2011 has been implemented. This version may be selected in the Project Options dialog.
5. Users of the RBD and FT modules may now set a ‘High Demand’ mode for SIL determination in Project Options.
6. CCF models, consequences, growth sets and Weibull sets may now be located via the command line URL.
7. Key failure model parameters such as failure rate are now shown in the RBD Block (for components) and Primary Event tables.
8. RWB now targets .Net Framework V4.8.
9. The FT batch append facility has been amended so that multiple occurrences of a transfer gate in different projects are now correctly dealt with. Previously the second occurrence of a transfer gate would be renamed.
10. Zoom in and out using the mouse wheel now magnifies and diminishes the diagram by a smaller increment. This applies to FT, RBD and Markov diagrams.
11. NPRD 2023 has been added to the parts library.
12. EPRD 2014 has been added to the parts library.
13. A new unit option has been added for the IEC 62380 prediction standard: IC’s now have a ‘No of elements’ unit. Options are x1, x1000, x1000000.
Reliability Workbench
1. Users may now find and replace the source object IDs for data links. In the Data Links dialog a new option has been added to the Edit menu to access this facility.
2. Converting or copying a prediction hierarchy to the fault tree module now populates the primary event description field using the description of prediction components.
3. ISO26262 PMHF values are now calculated for modes and blocks in the FMECA module.
4. Telcordia custom component confidence sigma values are now set to zero. Users may now specify the sigma value for Telcordia external components.
5. A new type of capacitor (deposited for hybrid) has been added to Siemens/61709 prediction.
Reliability Workbench
1. The number of effect categories in the SSA module has been increased from 3 to 6.
2. URL links to the following objects will now open a fault tree project in the SSA module and select the link in the tree control: Effects, Classifications, Phases, Environments, Detection methods, Triggers, Documents and Phrases.
3. Users may now add triggers (SOTIF) to FMECA modes and SSA failures.
4. The SSA module now has a ISO26262-12 preference for calculating ASILs via MSILs.
5. New fields been added to the failure modes table (FMECA) allowing users to display the requirements for immediate effects (IDs and Descriptions).
6. Adding an apportioned function in the FMECA module now populates the function field with the apportionment description.
7. Root causes in the FMECA module are now named from their parent failure mode.
8. Telcordia predictions may now be performed to an upper confidence level as defined in issues 2, 3 and 4 of the SR 332 standards. Users may specify a confidence level between 60 and 99%.
Reliability Workbench 15.0.2
1. The FMECA module now has an option in the project view tab to show the full FMECA structure in
the left-hand window. There is also an option to show or hide effects in both windows.
2. New FMECA standard templates have been added to project options. They are:
AIAG/VDA(Design), AIAG/VDA(Process), AIAD/VDA(MSR) and Hazard Assessment.
3. Users may now create diagrams in the FMECA module. Diagrams may be organised using diagram
groups. Diagram elements and connections may have a block or function assigned to them.
4. The FMECA module now has an option in the project view tab to show or hide the causes text field in
5. Requirements may now be assigned to blocks and functions as well as failure modes.
6. Higher function links and lower function links reports fields have been added for FMECA failure
7. An importance precision cut-off field has been added to project options for RBD/FT/ET. The
Importance cut-off value determines the precision of Fussell-Vesely and Birnbaum importance
values. If the calculated importance value does not meet the specified cut-off criteria, then the
importance value is set to zero. Note that for the Birnbaum importance measure the cut-off value is
compared to an event's Birnbaum value divided by the system probability value.
8. DAL and ASIL values may now be set for CCF Models. This allows DAL or ASIL decomposition in the
SSA module to consider CCF events.
9. 1 / k0 for 61709 prediction standard is now calculated to full precision.
10. The SN29500 prediction standard has 2 new parameters added for capacitors and inductors allowing
a self-heating temperature rise to be directly entered by the user rather than using the Rja x P
11. Requirements may now be attached to functions in the SSA module.
Reliability Workbench 15
1. A verification tab has been added to the ‘End effects’ dialog in FMECA.
End effects may represent system hazards and users may now verify that a safety system has been designed to achieve a tolerable hazard rate.
Verification can be performed by RBD, fault tree analysis or Markov.
Tolerable hazard rates are determined by the severity ranking (or for non-ranking FMECA the severity category).
For severity rankings the project options allow user to specify a tolerable accident rate.
The tolerable hazard rate = tolerable accident rate * mitigation parameters.
For the severity category the tolerable accident rate = target risk / weight.
A SIL value is determined based on the tolerable hazard rate only (independent of failure mode frequency) (EN50129 railway standard). SIL boundaries are set in the project options.
2. For FMECA ranking preference users can now set an option in the verification tab to force the program to set the end effect action results occurrence rank based on the verified hazard rate.
3. In the Failure mode and end effects dialogs calculated data should actively change as users make changes to dependent parameters. For example selecting the ‘Use verified hazard rate…’ check box should change the results occurrence ranking. Changes to mitigation parameters or linking a verification object should change the SIL. For component modes changing the occurrence rank should change the criticality rank where appropriate.
4. A responsibility field has been added to the new requirements objects in FMECA.
5. FMECA Hazard Assessment and FMEA Hazard Assessment default grid layouts have been added.
6. FMECA criticality matrix plots have a new option to display only end effects. These plots now cater for < 10 rankings being set by the user.
7. In the FMECA module users may now enter failure rates at the component level when using the ranking preference methods. The ‘Use rates for occurrence ranking’ option is selected in the project options dialog.
8. FMECA text fields have been made multiline and larger in dialogs.
9. FMEA (AIAG/VDA) action priority values are now automatically calculated for failure modes. Users may also set a MSR preference in the project options dialog. Detection is renamed Monitoring if this option is selected.
10. An additional option has been added to the FMECA View options allowing users to show Ids in failure
net and function net trees.
11. A requirements object has been added to the FMECA module. Requirements may be attached to failure modes.
12. Options have been added to the FMECA ‘Library’ menu to transfer severities and requirements to and from a project.
13. A ‘Local Effects’ field (2000 characters long) has been added to the failure mode properties. A new phrase category of ‘Local Effect’ has been created. Local effects phrases (max 255 characters) may overwrite or append the existing local effects text in the failure mode dialog.
14. The ‘Save Phrase’ facility (FMECA and SSA modules) now allows the user to select a sub-section of the text in a field before hitting the Save Phrase button. The selected text will then be used for the phrase.
15. Batch append of projects and paste operations from libraries will now maintain external datalinks for the failure models of source failure models (RBD, fault tree and event tree).
16. A Residual probability analysis function has been added for both the RBD and FT modules. This analysis method is based on the EASA CS-25 standard.
17. Modifications have been made to the Prediction module to allow users to comply with the IEC 61709 standard. Two new project options have been added that allow users to apply the 61709 piT constant and dormant failure method when using the SN 29500 standard. The SN 29500 standard now allows users to enter reference failure rates for individual components as an option.
18. A FMECA dangerous failure rate preference option has been added to the SSA project options verification tab. If selected, this option uses dangerous failure rates from FMECA blocks and modes for verification. Also, if the ‘rank preference’ option in FMECA is selected the failure rate used will be the failure rate associated with the rank in the project options.
19. Selection of a verification object link in the grid control (SSA and FMECA module) to navigate to the fault tree/rbd etc. no longer keeps a hand cursor showing after the link has been activated.
Report Designer
1. A SQL query header can be added to all custom queries using SQL Server data sources. This allows
the user to create common table expressions, table variables and DECLARE variables for use in the
SQL main query.
2. PDF files created by the Report Designer now meet the PDF/A-2 standard. This requires that the fonts
used in a published report can be embedded in the PDF file.
A dialog has been provided to display the fonts on a machine that support font embedding in PDF files,
these fonts can be filtered by supported character set.
A warning is issued at completion of the publication process to show which fonts (if any) could not be
3. Value labels can now be displayed on graph data points. This applies to all graph types apart from pie
and pareto types.
The value label appearance is fully configurable, including alignment, border, font, fill and data format.
4. The query controls now display the SQL Server version for SQL Server data sources.
5. A warning is issued when a query will fail because it is processed as a derived table wrapped by a
further SELECT query.
This extra SELECT query is to enable the correct functioning of the column filters.
6. The Syntax Check and Format Query function in the SQL Wizard now performs the query validation
step prior to performing the format of the query. N.B The query validation step checks for incorrect
column names and T-SQL functions - these are not validated by the syntax check.
7. A warning is issued when using the SQL Wizard Syntax Check and Format Query function that an
comments will be removed when the format is performed. This warning is only issued when there are
comments in the query.
8. The Syntax Check and Format Query function in the SQL Wizard now performs the syntax check and
format according to the version of the connected SQL Server version.
9. The Publish to PDF settings dialog has been simplified by removing the WinAnsi encoding option. This
has been made possible by improving the performance of processing Unicode fonts.